Taylor Dancinghands'

Stargate Atlantis Slash Fiction

After all these years, a new fandom: Why now? and Why this show?

Updates July 31, 2008:
Still right
 HERE, at Jeneral Jinjur's most excellent archive.
New contributions to my Fan Art Page as a result of a week-long computer absence, consist of a generous handful of illustrations to my new 'Lonely City' story, currently to be found on my LJ, HERE
 and soon to appere on this website.
A new, very different AU story: "Clan of the Cave Geeks -The Stargazer and the Toolmaker"
(scroll down past the Lonely City stories to find it!)

The Angsty & Amorous Adventures of Rodney & Radek!

"Touch of a Lonely City" continues the series and turns it into an AU with the addition of a new, semi-canonical character.

Pairing: Rodney/Radek

Rating: NC-17 for graphic, homoerotic sex after Chapter 8

Summary: Remember when Rodney insisted that *he* was supposed to be the one figuring out how to rescue the poor trapped bastard (Grace Under Preassure)? We're exploring what it would take to make him eat his words!

SPOILERS: Season 2- "Duet"

Pairing: Rodney/Radek

Rating: NC-17 for graphic, homoerotic sex

Summary: Radek has no trouble with the fact that everyone thinks he's a coward. He doesn't disagree, but he's never asked himself what he'd do if Rodney really needed himto be brave.

SPOILERS: Season 2 -sort of

Touch of a Lonely City

Pairing: Rodney/Radek

Rating: NC-17 for graphic, homoerotic sex

Summary: Rodney forgets how safe the Pegasus Galaxy isn't, even on Atlantis, and leaves Radek with the job if getting him out of some serious trouble. Radek's eventual solution is desperate and will change their relationship forever.

SPOILERS: Season 2 -sort of

Making Love to a Lonely City

Pairing: Rodney/Radek/Atlantis

Rating: NC-17 for graphic, homoerotic sex

Summary: Rodney comes to terms with his decidedly unique three way relationship, Radek's wishes are fulfilled, and the city of Atlantis experiences something new and very wonderful.

SPOILERS: Season 2 -sort of

Beyond Hope Cover

What Lies Beyond Hope

Pairing: Rodney/Radek/Atlantis

Rating: NC-17 for graphic, homoerotic sex

Summary: "We have lost Colonel Sheppard and Dr. Zelenka's jumper," Teyla said at last.  "They are gone Carson.  I am sorry."

SPOILERS: Season 2 -sort of

A New Alternate Universe: Clan of the Cave Geeks

A gift of one long, strange night of jetlag induced sleeplessness, during my first week in Prague.  Book One is here, complete, but someday there will be a Book Two, as well.  Watch this space!  And in the mean time...

Cave Geeks Banner

The Stargazer and the Toolmaker -Index

~Episode Based Stories~

Pairing: Rodney/Radek

Rating: Gen -suitable for all audiences

Summary: During the events of "Rising", Radek has occasion to reflect on how much he really doesn't like the water, and he's got good reason not to.

SPOILERS: "Rising 1 & 2"

Touchstone Moment

Touchstone Cover

Pairing: none, Rodney introspection, character study

Rating: -G- All audiences

Summary: Nobody is more surprised at Rodney's actions at the conclusion of "Hide and Seek" than Rodney.

SPOILERS: Season 1- "Hide and Seek"


Pairing: Rodney/Radek/Carson

Rating: NC-17 for graphic, homoerotic sex in Chapter 3

Summary: After the events of "Hot Zone" Carson decides that he's sick of being loney, and he's willing to bet that Rodney and Radek are too. Will he be right?

SPOILERS: Season 1- "Hot Zone"

Left Behind Link

Through the Eyes of Those Left Behind

Pairing: Rodney/Radek/Carson

Rating: NC-17 for graphic, homoerotic

Summary: After the events of "Hot Zone" Carson decides that he's sick of being loney, and he's willing to bet that Rodney and Radek are too. Will he be right?

End of Season 1, beginning of Season 2. This story is all about "Misbegotten" and much of what immediately precedes it ("Allies", "No Man's Land"). Some dialogue taken directly from the opening scene of "Misbegotten". Also, I'm calling it a sequel to "Coalescence", though I don't know that you'd need to read it to appreciate this.

Lost Hope and Found

Pairing: Rodney/Radek

Rating: NC-13 for mild homoerotic content

Summary: Rodney's gone, but Radek can't think about that now. Left with the job of making the Orion battle worthy, Radek is finding the idea of being part of a suicide mission less frightening than the prospects of running Atlantis' science division alone.

SPOILERS: "Allies", "No Man's Land"

Submitting to Forgiveness

Pairing: Rodney/Radek

Rating: NC-17 for explicit homoerotic content

Summary: After Trinity, Rodney takes his dressing downs a bit harder that everyone expected, but only Radek realizes just how serious he is.

SPOILERS: "Trinity"


Pairing: Rodney, Radek friendship, pre-slash?

Rating: -G- All audiences

Summary: Radek and his hobby, back home and trying to come to terms with his new/old life, after "The Return" pt. 1

SPOILERS: "The Return" pts 1 & 2, "Echos"
Homing Cover

~Radnom Silliness ~ Silly Randomness~

The Call

Pairing: Rodney/Radek

Rating: NC-13 for homerotic implications

Summary: More sweet than silly. some time in the future, after Atlantis, Rodney and Radek make a life for themselves, dreaming of the accolades that every (earth) scientist wishes for.


And Now For a Word...

Pairing: Rodney/Radek/Carson

Rating: NC-13 for homerotic implications

Summary: Humor. Crack? All I know is that there's no excuse for this. None whatsoever.


Dont Mess
Artsy Radek

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